I haven’t kept up with my blog like I intended.  I have this habit of thinking, “I’ll do it later.”  Let me tell you that later will come and you still won’t do what you intended to do, whether it is as simple as updating a blog or visiting a friend.

We lost a dear friend this week to complication of the flu.  Time changed things quicker than I expected and now the chance to visit him is gone.  Now I have made a promise not to do that with his wife who is my very best friend and prayer partner.  Yes, visits take time and planning.  However, time changes things when we least expect them.  It’s important to do this sooner rather than later.

This is my advice to you – do it now.  Don’t let time pass you by so that you miss great opportunities.  Especially make time for family and make time for friends.

Miss opportunities can not be regained.

Blessings to all of you.

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